How Can You File A Florida Anonymous LLC
Taking care of your business means more than making sure you have enough workers or products available. While operating a business might seem like a dream for most, there are tons of liabilities to worry about. One of the best ways to ensure you are giving your company the best advantages is by incorporating it.
There are a few ways a business can choose to incorporate or select the type of business entity they would like to be. As you’ll learn, the best option for small businesses is to become a limited liability company or LLC. With an LLC, you can provide your information to the Secretary of State, or you can file what is known as an Anonymous LLC. Side notes on anonymous LLCs, aren’t available in every state. The most common are in New Mexico and Wyoming. When discussing Florida, you will find that it doesn’t allow for direct filing anonymously.
Double-Filing For An LLC
There are ways around the non-anonymous LLC issue in Florida, but it does require a little background knowledge. The first thing most will recommend you do is to file for an LLC in one of the states that allow for Anonymous filings, like Wyoming or New Mexico. Using services like Cindy’s Florida LLC Formations, they will establish an LLC in one of their other anonymous LLC-friendly states, then file using that LLC in Florida.
Benefits Of An Anonymous LLC
You might be wondering why you should go through the hassle of applying for two LLCs, and not just say oh well and put your name out into the world. That’s a great question. Consider this example; as a business owner, you will become a target. This is especially true, the more money you’ll make. Hiding your identity means you won’t have people contacting your home or calling you; everything is kept private.
When you choose Cindy’s Florida LLC Formation services, you can select whether or not you would like to utilize the anonymous feature. In doing so, you will use their physical address and phone number. Included with their LLC formations is one free year of registered agent services, too, so you won’t have to worry about providing your address. The only thing you’ll need to do is make sure to renew your registered agent services each year.
Like with any other LLC, you’ll still receive the significant tax advantages and asset protection provided by traditional incorporation. There is no downside to the anonymous filing, only gains. If you’d like to keep your personal information off the public record, this is an excellent way to achieve that goal. To learn more about anonymous LLC filings or to get started today, visit